Furthermore, “Adam and Eve were commanded to be one, and, in like manner, Christ and His Church are to be one.” 53 In this allegorical scenario, the Church (or Eve) works through the mediator Christ (or Adam) to become unified as the scriptural Bridegroom and Bride (Revelation 18:23; Isaiah 61:10; Joel 2:16. etc.). Paul returns to the creation theme referring to angels in the last phrase of verse 10. Angels protect the creative order of Eden. 60 Not only do angels guard the “the way of the tree of life” (Moses 4:31), but here angels also have a connection to woman with “authority” or “a veil on her head” (1 Corinthians 11:10, NIV, RSV). Paul teaches that women need this sign of authority “because of the angels.” 61 Covered with “authority/ exousia,” it is possible that during worshipful prayer, the veil signaled the messenger angels to provide the woman with the word of God to prophesy or testify. `Or perhaps, when the woman wore her [Page 151] emblem of authority, it signaled to the angels that the mouthpiece was now ready to receive divine instruction.
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