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Now that 3-betting a wider range is the norm, we need a comprehensive counter strategy to avoid bleeding chips open after open. The best way to counter 3-bet monkeys is to widen your continue range, adding in both more calls and more 4-bets. Why would you want to 4-bet preflop? This is the more straightforward of the 2 reasons. If you have a premium hand and think your opponent will put more chips in the pot with worse holdings , you are going want to be 4-betting them preflop. Determining an optimal 4-bet value range requires taking into account a lot of factors, and hard set rules are tough to come by. In loose positional battles, such as Blind vs Blind or Button vs Small Blind, it can be correct to 4-bet for value as wide as AQ and 99 (and sometimes even wider). You need to think intuitively about the situation to start defining these ranges. Ask yourself these questions when considering a value 4-bet: 4-betting as a bluff is a bit more complex, but in tougher games will become an integral part of your survival. If you are facing a 3-bet from a very tight opponent you should probably not plan on 4-bet bluffing much at all. It might be something cool you can tell your friends about later if they fold, but most of the time you’ll just be putting in money well behind with little-to-no fold equity. The biggest challenge to an aggressive 3-betting strategy is the 4-bet. Site de aposta futebol brasileiro.Cabo Hdmi 2.1 Super Ultra Hd 8k 3 Metros Gold -16x + Full Hd. Cabo Hdmi Gold 2.1 - 8k Hdr 19p 0.5m Pix (018-1055) Bag.
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The real key is learning when to call, when to let go and when to shove it right back in their face with a 4-Bet. Position also plays a key role because if we decide to call, then we need to be able to take away our fair share of pots after the flop as well. This is infinitely easier to do when you have the advantage of acting last on the flop, turn and river. The full length book includes 20 more strategy chapters just like this one and over 50 example hands showing exactly how I created some of the highest win-rates in the history of online poker at the micro stakes. You can pick up your copy of The Micro Stakes Playbook at this link. [德州扑克翻牌前] 通过 4bet 来防守 3bet. 2. 中等同色连张,例如 54s 98s,选择这样的牌型主要原因是:如果我们只用价值范围和同色 Ace 做 4bet, 那么在一些中等的牌面,例如说 9♥️ 8♥️ 6♠️,我们毫无坚果优势,因为我们没有 set,没有 two pair,最强的牌是超对,对手可以给我们极大的压力,特别是在深筹码 (250BB+) 的情况下,例如通过不断的进攻,例如 overbet, check raise。在 A high 的牌面,我们的范围又包括了太多的顶对,使得我们容易阅读。我们需要这样的牌在一些只有中张和低张的翻牌面做平衡。 当我们进行 4bet 时,我们应该考虑的因素主要包括: 2. 对手的弃牌率,如果弃牌率高,我们应该增加诈唬范围,反之如果对手弃牌率低,我们应该减少诈唬范围,增加价值范围。(通常这个针对有漏洞的对手才需要考虑因素 2) 例子一,MP 3bet UTG,CO 3bet MP。这两种 3bet 范围通常都是非常紧的(由于后面未行动的玩家较多,且 UTG/MP 的 RFI 范围非常紧,这里不太适合 3bet 频率过高)。所以我们应该 4bet 的范围应该相对紧,这几乎所有 4bet 范围中最紧的两种,我们应该的策略应该不偏出以下给出的策略太多(图中红色表示 4bet, 绿色表示 call 3bet) 例子二:SB 3bet BTN,由于 SB 采用的是线性范围 3bet,且是对一个较宽的范围做的 3bet,那么他的 3bet 范围也会较宽 (标准频率 17.5%)。因此我们在 BTN 的 4bet 范围应该调整,且我们有位置,所以相应的我们的 4bet 范围也应该变得宽一些。 例子三,BTN 3bet CO,BTN 同样使用的是一个较宽的 3bet 范围,我们继续使用较宽的范围进行 4bet,这里利用同色 Ace 和 AJo 这种有阻断牌进行 4bet 诈唬(而不是 call 3bet)的比例稍多了一些,我们没有位置,不希望 call 从而去在没有位置,也没有主动权的情况下玩一个 3bet 底池。 总结一下,当我们的 RFI 遭遇到对手的 3bet 时,我们应该使用一个 极化 的 4bet 范围,通常来说我们的 4bet 范围应该根据对手的 3bet 范围的宽度进行调整,而不是拥有一种固定的手牌组合,这样会被对手的 3bet 剥削很多。4bet 的种类手牌由两种手牌构成,价值手牌和诈唬手牌,其中价值手牌主要包括一些好的起手牌,例如 AKs,QQ+。诈唬手牌 主要 包括同色 Ace 和中低同色连张,也偶尔会有一些带 blocker 的非同色 broadway。 Définition de 3bet au poker : lorsqu’un joueur sur relance la première relance, on parle de 3bet (abréviation : 3b). Le niveau du 3bet peut aller de 2 fois le montant de la relance initiale, jusqu’à tapis (on parle alors de 3bet show).

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