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  • Stir the caramel the entire time the sugar and butter mixture is on heat. Sugar scorches easily, so it's best to use a wooden spoon with a square tip so you can scrape much of the bottom of the pan as possible while the caramel comes to a soft ball stage. (Stir in one direction, scrape around the pan's perimeter, and then scrape in the other direction. 1. To test for the soft ball stage, if you don't have a candy thermometer, all you need is a bowl of cold water. The caramel will go through a few stages. 2. In the first stage, it will just begin to boil, and little bubbles will start popping up. Wolves x everton.Estas odds são apresentadas para você no formato decimal – que é o de mais fácil entendimento.
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    I can’t wait until my kids are old enough that I can let them use it. My oldest already loves them, but I can only let her drink from it if I’m watching her like a hawk O_O. Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. This Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate is to DIE for! Rich, creamy, with a deep caramelized flavor and a hint of salt, it’s addicting and you just may never go back to regular hot chocolate again. Apologies in advance if you’re a Starbucks groupie and are hoping for a copycat recipe. I’ve actually never had their Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate before, so I can’t tell you how this one compares. However, I’m betting theirs doesn’t start with a pan of caramelized sugar and end with 10 ounces of finely chopped chocolate, so at the risk of tooting my own horn: TOOOOOOOT mine is better TOOOOOOOOOOT ! Speaking of intense and rich, don’t be fooled by the ginormous mugs you see in the pictures—those are food styling shenanigans! This is a classic sipping chocolate, and you’ll want to serve it in small cups so it’s not overwhelming. It’s true that Jason was able to pound back a full mug, but I’ve also seen him eat big slices of layer cake after having thirds at dinner, so he’s obviously smuggling a second stomach around or something. For the rest of us mere mortals, we’re better off enjoying this drink in more reasonable portions. Besides, the smaller the cups, the more we can justify the whipped cream and caramel on top, right? And, speaking of justification – don’t forget you’ll need something tasty to dip in this deliciousness like Apple Cider Fritters, Creme Brulee Doughnuts or Big Soft Sugar Cookies.

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