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At the end of the exclusivity period, the buyer`s license will continue as before, with all of the same rights, except for the right of exclusivity, and the image will again be added to the available library of media on Dreamstime.com and again be made available to all users for purchase. After the end of the exclusivity period, the Contributor will also be free to offer the media for download from other places where the Contributor sells his or her media. This license represents a full ownership of the downloaded media. The buyer can use it exclusively (exclusivity applies from the moment that the file was downloaded using this license; buyer must take into account potential past downloads made for media and choose it accordingly or investigate further via support), and include it in any type of design with just a few restrictions: sensitive subjects may still apply and the buyer may not claim that the file was created by him nor resell it as his work. The agency will disable the media immediately after the buyer acquired this license. The Contributor is required to disable the file permanently from all other places where he may sell it, as soon as possible after the sale occurred, but no longer than 72 hours. This license grants the buyer exclusivity so the Contributor needs to keep in mind that exclusive media is represented by concepts, models, wardrobe, and subject matter which provide a unique creative message and small variations in the image (variations in camera angle, model posture or gesture, for example) do not enable other files as being different. All such variations rendering the media very similar in concept and message to the one sold under SR-EL should be removed from sale as well.

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