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Apesar da vitória whig em 1776, a população explicitamente leal aos britânicos na Carolina do Norte continuou alta, e muitos confrontos armados entre colonos a favor e contra a independência ocorreram na região. Tentando tirar proveito deste apoio, os britânicos realizariam dois ataques contra a Carolina do Norte, em 1780 e 1781, respectivamente. Estes ataques foram comandados por Charles Cornwallis, resultando em derrota, na batalha de Kings Mountain, e em vitória, na batalha de Guilord House. Após a última batalha, os britânicos abandonaram definitivamente a Carolina do Norte, tendo sofrido milhares de baixas. Após a derrota confederada, a Carolina do Norte passou a ser ocupada por tropas norte-americanas. Em 1868, o estado aprovou uma nova constituição, abolindo o uso do trabalho escravo e dando o direito de voto aos afro-americanos. A Carolina do Norte foi elevada à categoria de estado norte-americano em 25 de junho de 1868. Game desire jogos fantasticos.

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    Possible Corruption. Yet the heart of the Dwarf empire, the Karaz Ankor as they call it, will always lie within the domains of the Worlds Edge Mountains that serves as a barrier between the Old World and the Dark Lands to the east. [1b] The highest mountain range in the world, it is filled with the magnificent halls and holds of the Dwarfen people -- a testament to the great feats of engineering and power once wielded by this ancient civilization. [1e] 1 History 1.1 A New Beginning: Time of the Ancestor Gods 1.1.1 The Coming of Chaos (-5500 to -4119 IC) 1.1.2 The Golden Age (-4119 to -2005 IC) 1.1.3 The War of Vengeance (-1997 to -1600 IC) 1.2.1 Goblin Wars (-1449 to -250 IC) 1.2.2 The Rise of Mankind (-250 to -1 IC) 1.3.1 The Chaos Wars (2302 to 2369 IC) 1.4.1 The Deeds of a High King ( 2304 to 2420 IC) 1.4.2 The Reconquest of Karak Eight Peaks ( 2420 IC to 2498) 2.1 Stages of Life 2.2 Death and Burial 4.1 Council of Elders 5.1 Major Ancestor Gods 5.2 Lesser Ancestor Gods 6.1 Dwarf Naming 7.1 Dwarf Guilds 7.2 Dwarf Clans 7.3 Known Clans 9.1 Notable Holds 9.2 Lost Holds 10.1 Infantry 10.2 Artillery 10.3 Other war machines 10.4 Lords 10.5 Heroes. An icon representing the Dwarfs of the Karaz Ankor. A New Beginning: Time of the Ancestor Gods [ ] Others' expeditions made progress through the lands to the East and made holdings upon the foothills of the Mountains of Mourn. With the creation of these settlements, the Ancestor Gods and their people named their great civilisation The Karaz Ankor, (translated as ” The Everlasting Realm ” or ” The Mountain Realm ” as the Dwarf word for mountain and extreme durability are the same.) Contact between clans had been maintained for many years, but this fragile string of communication was suddenly cut when Chaos flowed through the world. [1d] Hidden in safety, the world was engulfed in clouds that poisoned the surface with layers upon layers of fine black warpstone dust. Communication with their eastern kin was lost, and in time the Dwarfs of the East began a dark and murderous path towards the worship of Chaos. For many years these events took place, until finally the foul tempest at last passed and the Dwarfs emerged once more into the light of day. But the world was changed forever, for upon the lands, the mutating Winds of Magic had already corrupted every living thing it touched. Terrifying monsters roamed the mountains and daemons walked openly in the daylight. [1d] The respite won by Grimnir and his innumerable armies was hard-won and a brief calm was instilled throughout the Old World. But as Grimnir headed back to his home within the mountains, the sky grew dark and ominous once more and from these potent signs, the Second Chaos Incursion abruptly began.

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