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[2] Natsu's group meets the Eclipse form of Ophiuchus. (To Loke about Lucy Heartfilia) ”Even after this, if you still feel compelled to atone for your sin, then I command you to become a pillar for your friend and live on. Those are the type of friends who have the most significance. There is much nobility in being willing to lay it all on the line to protect someone.” [10] (To Team Natsu) ”May the divine protection of the stars watch over you!” [40] (To Mard Geer) ”I swear upon my old friend's determination and our contract together, I will destroy her enemies!” [41] (To Mard Geer) ”What you called my weakness. It's no weakness at all. As long as I have friends and a shared bond with them, even if I'm not here myself, I know that they will take on that will. That is no weakness. Porém, deu rebote nos pés de Salem Al-Dawsari, bet365 login entrar agora o nome do jogo, completar para as redes. This motion causes a huge, linear blast to be generated in front of him, surging up to the sky in height and covering an incredibly long area (seemingly several kilometers) while causing astounding damage, capable of drastically changing the appearance of its elongated point of impact. The King first employed this technique during his battle with Mard Geer, but it was ineffective in striking him, with the Tartaros member remaining unharmed some meters away from the huge crater generated by Meteor Blade. [17] Galaxia Blade (ギャラクシア ブレイド Gyarakushia Bureido ): A technique which the King employs by pointing his sword, held with both hands, towards the sky and then chanting out an incantation, causing the clouds to tear open to engulf the targeted area with a mastodontic, circular pillar of light, intense enough to have Mard Geer shield his face. Mistaken for a full frontal attack by the Tartaros member, Galaxia Blade isn't an offensive move: described as ” a pure offering which erodes away the darkness ”, its power is to dispel spells which are foul in nature (quite possibly Curses), managing to undo Alegria's effects completely, and thus freeing the Fairy Tail members who had been absorbed by it. In addition, this move was shown encasing in stone Mard Geer, the one responsible for casting the dispelled Curse, for a limited amount of time, momentarily removing him from battle.
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