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dxdiag.exe – A DirectX diagnostic utility that displays information about the system, the parameters and capabilities of your computer's audio and graphics components. shutdown.exe – to delete, restart and other tasks, for instance, the command off / O / r / t 0 Perform a reboot in the recovery environment. Used with parameters. You can read about one of the application options in the article Computer shutdown timer. The following set of commands allows you to quickly run the items available in the control panel, as well as individual controls, As the “device administrator” or the “local group policy editor”. Commands to quickly open Windows system folders 10. Open the root of the system drive (C 🙂 – “ “ Open current user's folder (C: Username) – “ . “ Open the folder “Users” – “ .. “ Open the temporary files folder – “ % temp%. “ Open the AppDataRoaming folder of the current user – “ % application data%. “ Open the AppDataLocal folder of the current user – “ % localappdata%. “ Open folder C: NWindows – “ % systemroot% “ Open folder C: NProgramaData – “ % program data%.

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