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7. 忠 Chuu – Dever e Lealdade. Seguir o bushido é dar ênfase à lealdade, fidelidade, coragem, justiça, educação, humildade, compaixão, honra e acima de tudo, viver e morrer com dignidade”. Quando aplicamos esses princípios em nossa vida conseguimos melhorar nosso potencial humano. Pra finalizar, uma frase do samurai Miyamoto Musashi: O que seria o Bushido? Nada mais do que o célebre código de conduta samurai, estabelecido pelos nobres guerreiros do período feudal japonês, consistindo, nas palavras de Inazo Nitobe, erudito e diplomata japonês, em uma espécie de “nobreza vital” da classe guerreira. Transmitido oralmente ao longo dos séculos e manifestando uma forte influência budista e confucionista, conhecer o Bushido é fundamental a todo homem. Mesmo nos dias de hoje, o Bushido continua bastante atual. Ele não apenas ajuda a compreender a cultura japonesa com maior precisão, como também nos leva a entrar em contato com determinados conceitos – como a gentileza, a honra, a lealdade e o autocontrole – que muitas vezes deixamos de lado, mas que precisamos recuperar a todo custo.

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Elst asserts that this is possibly due to Storr's pro-Western, pro-Christian cultural bias. Rob Preece, a psychotherapist and a practicing Buddhist, writes in The Noble Imperfection that while the teacher/disciple relationship can be an invaluable and fruitful experience, the process of relating to spiritual teachers also has its hazards. He writes that these potential hazards are the result of naiveté amongst Westerners as to the nature of the guru/devotee relationship, as well as a consequence of a lack of understanding on the part of Eastern teachers as to the nature of Western psychology. Preece introduces the notion of transference to explain the manner in which the guru/disciple relationship develops from a more Western psychological perspective. He writes: ” In its simplest sense transference occurs when unconsciously a person endows another with an attribute that actually is projected from within themselves. ” In developing this concept, Preece writes that, when we transfer an inner quality onto another person, we may be giving that person a power over us as a consequence of the projection, carrying the potential for great insight and inspiration, but also the potential for great danger: ”In giving this power over to someone else they have a certain hold and influence over us it is hard to resist, while we become enthralled or spellbound by the power of the archetype”. [115] According to a professor of religious studies at Dawson College in Quebec, Susan J. Palmer, the word guru has acquired very negative connotations in France. [116] The psychiatrist Alexander Deutsch performed a long-term observation of a small cult, called The Family (not to be confused with Family International), founded by an American guru called Baba or Jeff in New York in 1972, who showed increasingly schizophrenic behavior. Deutsch observed that this man's mostly Jewish followers interpreted the guru's pathological mood swings as expressions of different Hindu deities and interpreted his behavior as holy madness , and his cruel deeds as punishments that they had earned. After the guru dissolved the cult in 1976, his mental condition was confirmed by Jeff's retrospective accounts to an author. Programação da loteria esportiva.Separada 46 años Empleado. Divorciada 47 años Empleado.
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